Grant #471

1st Australian Awesome Foundation Summit

October 18, 2021

How To Have The Most Awesome AweSummit Ever? Have It In Awe-stralia!

There hasn’t been an international gathering of Awesomeness since the Chicago AweSummit of 2019, for obvious reasons. But Theresa Winters of the Sydney, Australia chapter, hasn’t stopped thinking about that last one. “I came back all fired up. I mention the AweSummit at almost every one of our meetings. I want everyone in Australia to experience how amazing an AweSummit is,” says Theresa.

In addition to those of us here at Awesome Without Borders and the Sydney chapter, there are 83 more different, quirky, independent chapters in 13 countries. Every one has its own way of raising money and choosing which awesome projects to fund, so it’s especially valuable for Trustees of various Awesome Foundation chapters to get together and share ideas. As you might expect of people who just want to advance Awesomeness in the world, we’re very helpful to each other! Because travel is still so tricky for so many, the next AweSummit will have an online component that will allow more people to participate from a safe distance, like an ocean away,

Theresa says she hopes the AweSummit will encourage more people to start Awesome chapters across the Antipodes. (We looked this up, it’s pronounced an-TIP-uh-deez, it refers to Australia and New Zealand because ‘antipode’ means ‘directly opposite’ and the Antipodes are directly opposite Great Britain on the globe. You’re welcome.)

We’re happy to offer this week’s Awesome Without Borders grant to help with the expenses of putting on the AweSummit. If your interest is piqued and you’d like to create a new chapter to get in on the Awesome action, click here and get started!

Category: Community, Philanthropy, Social Impact



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders