Grant #452

All-Options Talkline

June 1, 2021

When Talking About The Big Choices, We Prefer All Options, No Judgment

Recently a women’s group we belong to asked how everybody made their decisions about whether to become parents. Members told their deeply personal experiences with the stages of their lives and the choices they made about infertility, pregnancy and adoption, coping with pregnancy loss, choosing not to be parents. We couldn’t help thinking how rare such a conversation is. Most women don’t have a large, diverse, honest, supportive, nonjudgmental place to speak truth about their journey.

So we were very glad to hear about the All-Options Talkline (1-888-493-0092). Callers can reveal their innermost feelings, knowing that they’ll be heard, whatever options they believe are moral and right for them.

It’s free, confidential peer counseling along with referrals in the USA, every day of the year. Sometimes it’s easier to tell a stranger how you feel about something as deep as the decision to have a child. It’s nobody’s business if you’re looking into your choices and trying to get the services you want or need. The Talkline is for venting, for seeking help, for sharing a secret, for daring to say out loud what you don’t dare say to anyone you know.

Our Awesome Without Borders grant of $1,000 will cover three months of telephone bills. In that time peer counselors will spend an average of 30 minutes each talking on a deeply personal level to about 400 callers. Volunteers are located in 20+ states, and their compassion is born of a wealth of personal knowledge. They’re intersectional, representing diversity of age, race, pregnancy, abortion, adoption, and parenting experiences. No sneaky agenda. Just the freedom to explore, you know, All Options.

Learn more about them here and keep up with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @alloptionsnatl.

Category: Community, Girls, Health, Wellness, Women



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders