Grant #474

Liberation Is Lit

November 8, 2021

How Do You Attract Socially Conscious Bookworms? (Asking For A Friend)

Tayler Simon describes herself as an avid reader with an activist heart. Her work has put her on the front lines of social justice issues, which meant immersing herself in books addressing the world’s inequities.

She knows there are others like her out there, people who love books that delve into profound notions, people who want to do more than talk about those books. She created “Liberation is LIT,” a place for deep thinkers. As Tayler puts it, “It’s for readers who have angst when it comes to turning philosophical ideas into action.”

Through Liberation is LIT, Tayler will share recommendations for well-regarded books on justice through different lenses, including gender, race, and disability. Tayler’s intention is to gather a community of well-versed change-makers. Members will meet to talk about the ideas sparked by their reading, and to share recommendations for taking action through organizations doing the social justice work on the ground.

“Liberation is LIT dispels the notion that activism is only marches and loud protests,” says Tayler. She’s hoping other activist-readers will experience the synergy that erupts when deep-thinking, socially-conscious bookworms become inspired to action.

Where does one find such people? Tayler’s going fishing. This Awesome Without Borders grant will allow her to cast a wide net with paid advertising. She’ll beckon, “Come For The Books, Stay For The Movement!” If you’re already taking the bait, click here and join.

Category: Activism, Culture, Media



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