Opportunity Airlines classroom wall

Grant #467

Opportunity Airlines

September 20, 2021

Opportunity Airlines Is Ready For Boarding To The Destination Of Your Imagination!

Who was your all-time favorite teacher? We think Cassandra Cardwell is a lock for future lists. This clever teacher transformed her classroom into “Opportunity Airlines,” giving students a ticket to their future. She says, “I was told as a child if I wanted to, I could travel anywhere in the world and learn about any topic. I could immerse myself in a different time and place and surround myself with characters that didn’t judge me for my skin or wallet. I got to peek into their lives and witness their successes and failures, hopes and dreams. They inspired me to chase mine, to never let fear stop me from pursuing everything my heart desires. When I could communicate my thoughts and feelings better than my peers and when I could empathize with strangers in a way that brought people together, when I realized doors opened for me because I had both knowledge and wisdom — that’s when I realized the true power of reading- that it really was my ticket to anywhere. This is my hope for my students.”

You can see why we’re on board! Cassandra’s classroom features flexible seating, so her 5th graders can choose the environment that helps them feel engaged and excited about their learning journeys. Our Awesome Without Borders grant will help Cassandra buy the lighting, area rugs, cushions, lap desks, and other accessories she’s using to give every student whatever helps them do their best work.

What about the future all-time favorite teacher who’s working at a school near you? You might be the ticket for someone else’s learning opportunity.  (If you don’t know a teacher to support, Donors Choose will happily introduce you to your future favorite.)

  • Opportunity Airlines classroom wall
  • Opportunity Airlines classroom wall
  • Opportunity Airlines classroom seating
  • Opportunity Airlines classroom chairs
  • Opportunity Airline classroom renderings
Category: Education



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit https://www.awesomefoundation.org/ for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders