An Incoming Principal Wants to Celebrate School Spirit—in Full Bloom
Some people think that schools only need the necessities to thrive—books, desks, white boards, pencils. We don’t agree. To us, pride is a big part of what makes for a successful education environment for kids. Students learn better when they feel invested in their schools. It’s not superficial; it’s about spirit! That’s why we’re supporting a beautification project at McBee High—a small rural high school in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
Our grant will help Sherry Young, McBee’s new school principal (and a veteran of the classroom, with 29 years of teaching under her belt), purchase supplies and plants to spruce up the entrance and main sign outside McBee to boost a bit of Panther Pride! She wants her students to have something new to celebrate at the start of a new school year. Sherry hopes that the undertaking will help the student body and community connect around a small, but impactful statement: a warm welcome matters. How’s that for school spirit?