Grant #108


September 22, 2014

Reinventing everything you thought you knew about sound…from the ground up!

Ashton Mills is a musician with a vision. His signature partner in crime, Jonny Wild, is a sculptor and visual artist par excellence, whose commitment to special needs education led to building musical instruments as a practical way to bring “sound” elements into his practice. For both, the desire to engage the neglected & disenfranchised with the arts to light imaginations, instill confidence, and build skills that encouraged greener thinking inspired Re-Resonate, an awesome project that engrosses the underprivileged with music instruments composed from old waste!

Samba drums from paint tins; PVC flutes; you name it, they’ll make it! Not only does this encourage young people to consider & curb their environmental impact, it also presents a fun new way to make music. Life skills are learned, and nurtured creativity restores self-esteem. Sampling these fresh new sounds from old founds, and cataloging electronic music in a creative way, doesn’t stop at captivating communities. It also reminds them of what the human mind and spirit are capable of conceiving, and that nothing in our world has to go to waste.

These “grassroots musical contraptions” have even been demoed at various shows, and sound as amazing as anything professionally-made! AWB’s grant will allow for upgraded equipment in the mobile studio. The money generated from selling sound libraries will feed back into community events & workshops.

Visit RE-Resonate on Twitter, or check out Ashton’s page, and explore a whole new spectrum of sounds.

Category: Children, Community, Environment, Music, Nature, Philanthropy, Preservation, Social Impact, Youth



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders