Fed up with chickens that are full of antibiotics and other nasty stuff? Us, too.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? OK, science has answered that one. We think. Now, which comes first, the natural remedy for what ails chickens, or the funding to roll out the product so chickens don’t get stuffed with antibiotics?
Kermit Blackwood came up with a product he hopes people who raise chickens will use instead of the antibiotics that have become so common in raising disease-free poultry.
He’s hoping to start production in early 2018 in time for the chick season, and this Awesome Without Borders grant will reward Kermit for generously sharing his product at no cost to seleted 4H poultry projects, the Society for Preservation of Poultry Antiquities, and to the San Antonio Zoo.
If you’re one of those people raising backyard chickens, we think you’re pretty awesome too (as long as your rooster isn’t waking us up).
Follow along with Kermit and his work on Twitter, or visit his website for more information: http://resilience4.com/