Grant #329

RSVP Volunteers

January 14, 2019

Food, Transportation, Tax Prep Help — If Elderly People Need It, RSVP Volunteers Make It Happen In Kansas

Most of us agree that we’d rather grow old in our own homes, and nobody wants to be forced to move. In Marshall County, Kansas, RSVP Volunteers do pretty much whatever’s necessary to help their oldest neighbors stay safe, healthy, and comfortable at home.

That could mean anything from Meals On Wheels to personal help in filling out Medicare forms, going grocery shopping, getting to medical appointments, filing taxes, and helping veterans with their needs.

The genius part of the system is, well, the system. Around 40 community organizations, nonprofits, and agencies have the benefit of over 200 RSVP Volunteers. The volunteers each bring special skills and abilities, and they’re matched with the jobs they’d be best at doing.

By choosing to volunteer with RSVP Volunteers, people get a chance to offer their talents to dozens of agencies.

Oh, and did we mention? All the RSVP Volunteers are over 55 years of age, old enough to qualify for AARP but not old enough to consider themselves old! They’re awesome volunteers, with experience, talent, a track record, and a desire to serve.

Obviously it takes a good computer to manage the data for hundreds of volunteers and dozens of agencies, and that’s how RSVP Volunteers is going to spend their Awesome Without Borders money.

Does your community have a way to coordinate the efforts of willing volunteers? Check out RSVP Volunteers on Facebook for ideas.

Category: Community, Social Impact, Volunteer



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders