When you’re a kid living in a refugee camp, a little awesome goes a long way…
The headlines out of Syria break your heart; these guys are doing some awesome repair work.
We think leadership is awesome. We think individual initiative is awesome. We think Zack Bazzi, the awesome individual behind TentEd, is a leader who can make an AWB grant go a long way.
First, Zack’s going a long way. He’ll be visiting the Kurdistan Region of Iraq before July 2014, to make a firsthand assessment of the basic educational needs for several Syrian refugee camps as well as refugee children living outside the camps. He’s going to do a local “supermarket sweep” — scooping up new backpacks, notebooks, and all the other little things teachers and administrators need. This immediately pumps a little cash into the local economy, and the goods are available for distribution for Syrian refugee children immediately
When we hear about the terrible suffering of refugees, it’s good to know that a little bit of awesome is making its way into the places where it’s needed most. Stay in touch with this project on Facebook and Twitter! Cheers to you Zack — for going the distance, and then some!