Grant #264

Leadership Institute (ADIMTU)

October 16, 2017

Making sure a mother’s voice isn’t forgotten, and helping girls imagine more for themselves.

Mom’s voice. Sometimes we don’t want to hear it! And yet so many of us whose mothers’ voices are silenced would love to be able to ask a question, to hear more of our mothers’ stories.

We were awestruck by the commitment some daughters have to making sure their mothers’ voices are not forgotten. They’re in the Guatemalan Mayan Highlands, and it’s a yearlong interview project to create an audio diary of their mothers lives.

The Life of My Mother project is run by this AWB grantee, Leadership Institute ADIMTU. It’s a subtle method of calling attention to the ways women have been leading and accomplishing throughout their lives, helping to counter the machismo narrative in Central America.

ADIMTU also runs a Little Sister program, another way of helping girls imagine more for themselves. Younger girls at risk of dropping out of school are matched with older girls from their community they can look up to, offering real-life leadership lessons for Big and Little Sisters.

We’re pleased to provide funding for art materials used in the guided interview projects, as well as additional supplies.

(And if you are inspired to interview your own mother or another significant woman in your life, don’t forget StoryCorps!)

Learn more about this superstar grantee via Facebook and Twitter.



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders