Grant #167

Generation Development Initiative

November 16, 2015

Working to create an enabling environment where boys and men will support and empower girls and women to achieve their full potential.

Generation Development Initiative (GenDev) is a youth led non-profit organization founded by Mu’azu Muhammad that aims to address key social issues affecting girls, youth and women in Sokoto, northern Nigeria. GenDev focuses on changing societal norms and values that limit girls and women access to Sexual Reproductive Health Service (SRH), education, economic empowerment and civic participation through designing effective and evidence based advocacy, community engagement and communication strategies to create awareness and influence change.

Their upcoming project, “Engaging Youth Against Gender Violence” seeks to mobilize, engage and train 25 young people (between the ages of 15-24) as leaders and peer educators on preventing and ending gender based violence in Sokoto. As current and future leaders, they are the driving force for change and can use their knowledge, power and passion to challenge negative attitudes, gender stereotypes and behaviors that set in early and lead to violence in their communities and among their peers. The training is intended to expose the participants to the most common negative attitudes, gender stereotypes and harmful practices found in their immediate environments. Topics such as bullying and gender based violence, early and forced marriage, female genital mutilations, masculinity and power relations will be covered.

Our AWB grant will be used to cover two days of the leadership training workshop. Learn more about GenDev by visiting their Facebook and Twitter pages.

Category: Children, Education, Girls, Health, Women, Youth



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