Grant #295

iFLY Youth Scholar’s Program

May 21, 2018

For so many students, the dream of international travel is simply out of reach. That’s why iFLY Youth reaches out to them.

As the fairy-tale princess was whisked away in a horse-drawn carriage by a handsome prince, one commenter noted, “What this is, really, is an experienced and independent adult woman, successful in her career and her finances, already an international figure and obviously traveling in circles that included Prince Harry, being prepared for a better job with more influence on the world stage.” Meghan Markle’s story was made possible by her comfortable travel in international circles, at ease in other countries and cultures.

This Awesome Without Borders grant is jet fuel for the next generation of lifelong travelers through the iFLY Scholars program. Middle school girls from the E.L. Haynes Middle School in Washington D.C. will travel to La Fortuna, Costa Rica, to get a taste of international travel (with a side of financial literacy, leadership development, cultural competency and character building). The girls won’t just take a trip, they’ll learn how to convert money, develop a savings plan and communicate across different cultures.

Funds from this grant underwrite an educational cacao harvesting tour along with travel journals for each of the girls.

iFLY Youth Founder Cidney King seeks middle-school students who would be first-time international travelers. Providing international travel opportunities before they arrive at college gives these still-open young minds a chance to take positive risks in new environments, and to spot opportunities beyond the scope of their current circumstances.

Here’s an idea: if you’re booking an international trip for yourself, make a gift to iFLY Scholars and help a middle-school girl get the first stamp in her passport. (Make that double if you’re taking children with you!)

We’ve never been too keen on “Princess” as a job aspiration, but a revolutionary social inclusion warrior like Meghan Markle (excuse us, The Duchess of Sussex) has forced us to reconsider.

Much human progress is built on the bravery of travelers who leave home and experience life through a different lens. Here’s looking at you, kids.

Follow along with iFLY: Website, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter!



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders