Grant #411

Making Organic Pictures

August 10, 2020

Seeing is Be-Leaving: This Artist Prints Photos On Plant Leaves & You Could Too

When we saw artist Almudena Romero’s video showing how she prints photographic images on shiny green plant leaves, we were agog. Apparently we’re not the only ones. The clip has tens of thousands of views and shares. People wrote, commented, and demanded to know more about how to do “organic photography” at home.

So Almudena offered an (oversubscribed) online Q&A, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy the numbers who want to know more about this safe, sustainable, simple process. Did we say this clearly enough? She prints photos on plant leaves. No ink, no tricks.

People stuck at home trying to amuse themselves and their children need what Almudena wants to offer: a series of online events that will entertain and educate, with a high quality step-by-step video on the extraordinary art of organic photography. (For those of you trying to teach a science class, this printing process is dependent upon the presence and absence of magnesium and copper in the leaves.) Our Awesome Without Borders grant will underwrite equipment including a video camera, that all-important Zoom fee, and if there’s money left, tripods, microphones, and, oh yeah, the plant leaves!

There’s an international network of artists and photographers just waiting to see what you will produce. Yes, Chlorophyll Printing has fans. Watch the video that started it all and see if you don’t agree – it’s totally Awesome.

Category: Art, Culture, Design, Environment, Photography



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders