Grant #131

Menstrual Pad Project for girls in Nepal

March 3, 2015

Better healthcare = better education for Nepal’s growing girls.

What if you launched this awesome scholarship program to help send girls to school, but absences were high due to your students lack of menstrual aids? If your name is Denise Attwood, you’d probably roll out some menstrual pads to make sure your girls had full access to the education available to them!

With more than 30 years of running a fair trade business under her belt, few are as qualified as Denise to tackle the Menstrual Pad Project for Nepal’s girls. In an effort to maximize the effectiveness of her non-profit’s clinic and scholarship programs, Denise and her partner Sita saw a creative way to link the two. They plan to train & pay women in Baseri (developed by The Harnisch Foundation grantee, DaysForGirls.Org) to sew 180 menstrual pad kits for the girls receiving the scholarships. Now nobody has to miss school!

Eventually, the foundation will expand to provide kits and health care training for girls in the entire region, and beyond. But wait, it gets better: by bringing on local women to help mentor, the project will help stimulate and sustain the local community in more ways than one. This master-tasker plans on making the most of her AWB grant by acquiring a local trainer, sewing machines, and enough material to make plenty of pads and kits. They’ve already got the experience and the network. Now, the funding’s in place to make some magic happen.

Discover more of the awesome work Denise and Sita have been up to on their website and Facebook. With a little extra protection, Nepal’s future has never looked better!

Category: Education, Empowerment, Girls, Philanthropy, Social Impact, Women, Youth



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Team Awesome Without Borders