Grant #324

Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote

December 10, 2018

All Those New Women In The U.S. Congress? 100 Years Ago American Women Weren’t Even Allowed To VOTE.

You’ve probably heard the term “voter suppression” lately, as various politicians try to keep some people from having a voice in government.

Well, it wasn’t all that long ago when voter suppression was the law — women were simply not allowed to vote. That’s right, up until a few generations ago — crazy as it sounds right now — only men had the right to cast a ballot.

It’s unusual for us to award our $1000 to a major national organization for a hugely expensive project, but we are making an exception. We think it’s important to remember that women fought hard for their right to vote because men fought hard to keep all the power. (Sound familiar?)

Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote is a far-reaching initiative of the National Archives Foundation, reminding us through “primary source materials” of the struggle for suffrage. What are “primary source materials,” you ask? The physical goods, the in-your-hands proof of what happened — it’s last century’s equivalent of (so problematic they’re already over) “pussy hats” and Women’s March banners. Newspapers. Campaign buttons. The women’s rights antique roadshow, if you will.

We’re hoping to reach 13 million people in a centennial celebration of women’s rights doubling as a civics lesson, prodding us to honor this history by exercising our rights to vote and participate in government.

We’re excited that there will be so many opportunities for you to see some of the Archive’s vast and unique holdings. The flagship exhibit opens March 2019 at the National Archives Museum in Washington DC, and there will be public programs at Presidential Libraries throughout the country. Keep your eye out for one of the 1600 mini pop-up exhibits that will be coming to schools, and if you can’t get to anything in person, you can take the tour online. Why not take a sneak peek right now?

Follow along with the project on social with the National Archive Foundation– and the hashtag #RightfullyHers– on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Category: Activism, Art, Culture, Documentary, Preservation, Social Impact, Women



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders