A FREE revolutionary music education program for children with special needs.
Yes, you read that correctly. The team at Simply Music Gateway are developing a unique, adaptive and FREE online streaming piano program designed specifically for any child with special needs, who might not be able to read music. Why? Music programs have been proven to have a profound impact in enhancing speech and language and increasing self-confidence and self-expression in children on the Autism Spectrum and other developmental delays. However, traditional music learning programs have long been inaccessible to many children with special needs. Founder and Clinical Director of Arts for Healing, Karen Nisenson, and Australian Music Educator and Founder of Simply Music, Neil Moore, have created a unique, adaptive piano program that transforms the issues that prevent a child with special needs from learning in a conventional way. Knowing the negative financial and emotional strain these circumstances can have on families, Karen and Neil are providing this program for FREE, everywhere.
Could it get any better? You bet. The program comes with customized training, support, and guidance materials that have been designed specifically for occupational therapists, music therapists or music educators, as well as parents/guardians or care-providers. It is not necessary to have an extensive background or training in special needs education.
The team at Simply Music Gateway will use the grant to produce student videos, instruction guides, and an online delivery system that will allow families across the world to access the program at absolutely no cost! Still don’t believe us? Check it out yourself…
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