This tool helps YOU and survivors too.
Even with the best of intentions, many do not discuss trafficking in a respectful way that honors the dignity and human rights of all survivors. This new video series is here to help.
#TalkTraffic is an 8-part video series jammed pack with essential insights into understanding the large-scale issue of trafficking. The educational tools offer an explanation of what trafficking is, how to uphold basic human rights principles, solutions, and ways to help as an individual. The result? People learn to talk about trafficking respectfully and in a way that will help survivors move forward in life.
New York Anti-Trafficking Network (NYATN), a grassroots organization with the goal of ending and preventing trafficking and providing survivors with the help they need to reclaim their lives and their voices, will put their AWB grant towards expanding the #TalkTraffic video series. Now, it will include more information on the issue as it relates to the criminal justice system and on what to do if you see someone in an unsafe situation.
Take the step to learn what you can do to help. Also, check them out on Facebook and Twitter.