Grant #142

The Untold Story of Somali Women’s Basketball Team

May 25, 2015

When Hana Mire, an independent Somali filmmaker based in the UAE, learned about the Somali Women’s National Basketball Team, she knew there was untold story ready to be unraveled about these women.

With her country in the grips of poverty and a civil war, Hana was surprised and proud to hear about the brave Somali Women’s Basketball team. She began to research the players and found stories of perseverance and determination. Traveling back to Somalia with a skeleton crew, she met the women and filmed their lives.

The stories of strength unraveled in front of Hana’s eyes. The areas where the players live are controlled by armed groups, vigilantly against the women playing basketball or any sports. To avoid dangerous conflict, many players dress as if they are going to school with books in hand, making a detour to the basketball court. Coaches and players lives have been threatened by these groups, making it a life-threatening challenge just to play.

It became clear to Hana: these women are strong, powerful and determined, and a feature-length documentary needs to be created about them. She is in progress of producing ‘Nation’s Hope,’ a story of hope, incarnating the strong will and devotion of the Somali Women National Basketball Team, amid an ongoing conflict.

The grant will go toward hiring a sound engineer, recordist, music composer and mixer as well as renting camera equipment. To follow Hana’s progress, check her out on Facebook.


Category: Activism, Documentary, Empowerment, Girls, Women



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