Misadventures champions women who embrace creativity, take risks, and out and beyond!
Zoe Balaconis, Marybeth Campeau, and Jessica Malordy are taking nature by storm! After years of frustrating subscriptions to outdoors magazines catering to men, and not seeing themselves in the pages of publications for women, they decided to take action, like true trailblazers! So in November 2013, they co-founded Misadventures, bringing quality outdoor/adventure content for and about women to a large, growing, unfed audience.
Misadventures Magazine ingeniously builds a bridge between outdoor interests, and traditional women’s topics, including fashion, weight loss, dating, and diet. Their content covers everything from how-tos and gear reviews, to recipes and interviews. MM is boldly breaking down many common misconceptions plaguing women’s image in the media, with creativity, taking risks, and going out and beyond!
Currently, Misadventures Magazine is online only, with plans to move into print. First, the trio is looking to expand their readership, and boost their media presence. An AWB grant will go towards that, and then some. Things are about to get wild for women!
Read all about the team’s extra-awesome exploits here, and stay connected on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.