Grant #307

Notes to my Younger Self: Future Fellows Project

August 13, 2018

Candidates clamor to attract people who never voted before. This awesome program teaches new, young, female voters to maximize their power.

This year, first-time voters are on the Most Wanted list of every candidate running for office in the USA. So many potential first-time votes are out there that they’re now being recognized as potential game-changers.

How can this new power generation use their influence to make policy changes? The “Notes To My Younger Self Future Fellowship” is for young women of color ages 18-25 from underrepresented communities in South Florida. It’s a grassroots leadership training project designed to build a network of support and creativity, finding effective ways to mobilize young voters and other first-timers. Imagine all the ways to find and register new voters in strictly non-partisan activities – that’s what the Fellows will be doing.

You know we love a program designed by the people it’s supposed to be for, and this is “by young people for young people” so that the Fellows can feel comfortable asking all their questions and bringing their authentic selves to the discussions. Maybe inspired by young #BlackLivesMatter activists or the #Parkland students, many young people are ready to learn how they, too, can step up to leadership roles in talking about public policy and boldly advocate for issues that directly affect them.

This Awesome Without Borders grant will help support the video documentation of the project so that the learning can be shared beyond the Fellows themselves.

Find out more about it here, and follow along with their work on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders