The Splendid Sewing School Fashions A Way Out Of Poverty In Liberia
When poverty is entrenched, it takes a lot of creative thinking to imagine even a small step forward.
This idea is an awesome start and we think it’s worth trying. It could make a huge difference.
At the Splendid Sewing School, young people will have an opportunity to express their creativity, learn a valuable skill, and make a little money.
The students will be invited to come up with original ideas for designing products with unique Liberian flair. First up: an easy-to-manufacture product, a school bag, something that showcases Liberian culture and is needed by every school child. In addition to designing and sewing the school bags, the students will learn what it takes to sell them. How will they reach the people who would buy these bags? They’ll develop marketing campaigns to sell what they sew, and the entire enterprise will give them experience in working with others to build the business.
The Ri’ayah Foundation asked for this Awesome Without Borders grant in order to rent space for the school and to buy sewing supplies to get started. Our grant money stretches so much faaaaaaarther in Liberia. What wouldn’t pay a month’s rent in most cities in the USA is plenty to pay a year’s rent, with enough left over to get some fabric, buttons, tape measures, scissors, needles, thread, pins, and zippers.
Find out more about the foundation here.
Ordinarily we hope our grantees fulfill their awesome vision seamlessly, but this time we hope the Splendid Sewing School will go full seams ahead.