“Don’t worry about a thing, ’cause every little thing’s gonna be alright.”
Bob Marley’s song “Three Little Birds” is beloved worldwide for its breezy spirit and hopeful message; for Ashely Swip, it also evokes the philosophy of her brother Guy “Tyler” Gifford. “He always had a unique way of making each and every person around him smile, laugh, and remember that every little thing gonna be all right, no matter the circumstance,” she said. It was in this spirit that 3 Little Birds 4 Life came to be.
The mission of 3 Little Birds 4 Life is both simple and ambitious: enhance the lives of young adult cancer patients with any type of cancer at any stage. Their approach includes granting wishes to young adult cancer patients 18-40 years of age (by fulfilling bucket list wishes and delivering personalized gift baskets to patients during treatment), providing resources throughout all stages of cancer, and creating awareness around cancer risks for young adults.
Currently, the organization is the only one of its kind in the United States, and since July 2012, Ashley and her team have granted over 55 wishes.
We’re thrilled to contribute this AWB grant to 3 Little Wishes 4 Life and to support these life changing experiences. Make sure to visit 3littlebirds4life.org on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about the wishes they’re granting.