Grant #119

Women’s Health: HPV & Pap Screening

December 8, 2014

The best cure is a preventive cure!

Pamela Toney believes good health is for everybody. And, as executive director of Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine (BJVIM), her clinic has made its mission to make free primary care a miraculous reality to uninsured residents of South Carolina.

Despite serving nearly 2,000 patients — most of whom are at less than 100% of the federal poverty level — Pamela’s team has only increased their efforts to ensure as many county residents receive the proper care and treatment as needed, regardless of their financial status or limited health care history. And, since most of these patients are women, the clinic has fought a winning battle to bring in HPV and pap tests.

This AWB grant will be used to pay for HPV and Pap tests for patients. Potentially, these tests can nip cancer in the bud before it ever starts to sprout. The clinic’s premise is, a preventive cure is the best kind of cure…and we couldn’t agree more!

Learn more about the clinic’s medical miracle workers here, and on Facebook.

Category: Community, Health, Wellness, Women



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