Grant #102

Free Shakespeare in the Parks

August 11, 2014

When Shakespeare’s brought live to parks, something awesome’s sure to follow.

What light through yonder window breaks? Why, old William himself, according to Sarah Eismann! She believes the power of Shakespeare & storytelling can bring greater empathy into our lives. To prove it, she’s staging a series of free performances of Romeo & Juliet across New York City’s parks.

Through the Manhattan Shakespeare Project, people from Manhattan and Brooklyn have had their hearts & imaginations rekindled by the impassioned words & personas of the world’s most prominent playwright. These performances stand out from most Shakespearean productions in three ways: they’re performed outdoors, they’re free, and they feature an entirely female cast & crew. Each performance is a festival in itself, with singing and dancing erupting from throngs of thrilled audiences!

Things are only going to get better in 2014, as MSP branches out into more venues, and bridges more communities through timeless tales that speak straight to the shared human condition. A grant will help ease the burden of compensating the dauntless artists and assistants who make each production a resounding success.

Get reacquainted with those star-crossed lovers! See free Shakespeare here, or visit the MSP homepage for more news. You can also find her group on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Parting is such sweet sorrow…stay connected instead!

Category: Community, Culture, Performance, Theater, Women



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders