What’s More Awesome Than Awesome Without Borders? Dozens of Other Awesome Foundation Chapters Attending The Annual Awe-Summit!
If we’re the only chapter of the Awesome Foundation you know about, we are about to overwhelm you with the amount of awesomeness that dozens and dozens of other chapters have forwarded around the world! We’re a weird chapter, because we’re “Without Borders” whereas most chapters give all their grants to advance awesomeness in their own communities. (Click here for a complete list of chapters.)
Most chapters give no-strings-attached $1000 grants once a month with ten trustees kicking in $100US or the local equivalent. This marks the 345th AWB grant and we’re dedicating it to the celebration of the Awesome Foundation’s 10th year and its 6th Awe-Summit. The Annual Awe-Summit is an international gathering, bringing together people from Awesome Chapters from many states and several countries.
The Chicago Chapter hosted the big get-together from May 3 — 5 so members could meet in real life, exchange ideas, share their experiences giving unique cash gifts to whatever they think is awesome, and look ahead to starting a second decade of imagination meeting generosity.
We love the creative spirit of the projects, the passion of the creators, the vision of the funders. We are extremely excited about the Awesome Foundation’s philosophy about as few rules as possible and as little “official” anything as possible. You can gather your own circle of friends and start your own chapter and make up your own rules, as long as you play according to the minimum standards that keep everything honest and transparent. More info here.
We’re always excited for the AweSummit, inviting more people into this circle of generosity and fun.
Our grant helped pay for expenses connected with the venue, including the second most important thing at any gathering: the food! (The most important? The people!)