No Strings Attached (Except To Her Instrument): Virtuoso Musician Offers Free Concerts Across North America
Audiences around the world have thrilled to the sound of Gianetta Baril’s harp, from Prague to Rio de Janiero. But the pandemic ended world tours and big concerts. So, Gianetta decided to create a portable concert hall that would let her take the show on the road, safely socially distancing.
With cat Misty along for the ride, Gianetta and Amadei (that’s the name of her harp) bring the comfort of live music to isolated Canadians. “Harp to Heart” is welcome relief from the anxiety, isolation and stresses of the pandemic. Her first concert-hall-and-tiny-home was an older van, good enough for almost two months of travel throughout Alberta and British Columbia. Dozens of COVID-safe free concerts happened in parking lots, outside of seniors’ residences, at community drop-in centers, in campgrounds in remote northern communities, and in schools.
That got Gianetta excited about an even longer road trip: a six-month cross-Canada journey, in much better accommodations, thanks to a generous sponsor. Gianetta expects to travel about 20,000 miles this year as she offers the gift of music. She appreciates the opportunity to connect with people, hoping they might have extraordinary experiences brought on by the sound of an instrument, the transporting nature of a song.
Gianetta will use this Awesome Without Borders grant to help with the cost of producing concerts so they can be offered at no charge, because the generosity of donations supports the enterprise. Take a trip of your own through her website: you can attend a show if it’s nearby, reach out to set one up if not, follow Gianetta’s journey, and donate along with us if you feel inspired to help out!
She’d love to play for you, if only via her recordings. Connect with her here and here and here.