Grant #113

Mobile Cinema

October 27, 2014

These ain’t your grandmother’s matinees…

Discover The Journey co-founder Lindsay Branham is fighting war by protecting children with the films her organization produces. Cheers to you Lindsay! With Mobile Cinema, she is proving that movies can move people to make some truly awesome changes.

Discover The Journey‘s locally-inspired works aren’t just empty entertainment, but function as film-based interventions to reduce trauma, and encourage an end to war in central Africa. Each cinematic tour de force calls the most painful realities into question, encouraging candid dialogue that leads to profound change in people’s lives.

Discover The Journey’s local partners also conduct workshops that create space for exchanges between people from opposing sides, leading to new understandings and perspectives. They tackle the toughest issues with gusto, and if their current progress is any indication, Mobile Cinema will keep working towards peace in places that need it most. This Awesome Without Borders grant will help fund their newest film about how children from warring groups are actually very much the same, in an effort to raise needed awareness about the ongoing violence in Central African Republic. This is what we call awesome in action!

Keep up with DTJ and Mobile Cinema on Twitter, and view one of their eye-opening films here.

Category: Activism, Art, Empowerment, Film, Philanthropy, Social Impact, Youth



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders