Grant #58

Open Arms

February 8, 2014

Central Texas Birth Center is creating a positive birth experience for low-income moms in Texas.

Open Arms is a project born of love and service at the Central Texas Birth Center.

Central Texas Birth Center’s staff has been serving Central Texas and surrounding areas for almost three years now, and have poured their lives into countless women and their families in immeasurable ways.

Midwifery care is a whole-family, wellness-based approach to pregnancy, birth, and childbearing years. The Open Arms program has a dedicated team of midwives, students, and staff trained to cater to the needs of the families in the program. Whether it is education on the best car seat for the lowest price or a how to cook healthy on a budget, the families of Open Arms are loved and supported throughout their journey.

We’re excited to say the AWB Grant will be used to purchase vital equipment to use during births and prenatal care. Learn more about the Open Arms project on their website and on Facebook.

Category: Babies, Children, Community, Empowerment, Wellness, Women



After 11+ years, we’re signing off and closing applications for good. We’ve supported 571 projects with $571,000 in grant dollars. We’re so proud to have celebrated such incredible work. Please visit for more information on other AWESOME chapters! And thanks for sharing so much awesomeness with us.

Team Awesome Without Borders